Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tips on Using Antibiotics for Dogs

Tips on using antibiotics for dogs
If you have a pet dog, there are chances that it will require some kind of antibiotic for dogs once in a while. The requirement of antibiotics might be for curing infection or treating injury of any kind. Antibiotics can be used on dogs very safely if the drug is the correct one, you maintain the right dosage   and the treatment is carried out for the right period.  Basically antibiotics for dogs should be use to eliminate the infection before the dog can develop any kind of resistance to it. Often times antibiotics for dogs are used as a safeguard against disease.

When using antibiotics for dogs it is important that the duration of the application should be adequate. For example, it has been seen that for best result antibiotic should be administered for 12 days for better results. However a minimum of seven days of antibiotic medication should be maintained for optimum results.

Suppose you are treating your dog for some injury, it is critical that antibiotics for dogs should be given for the correct duration. If after a couple of days if the dog starts to look better, you should not stop administering the drug.  It is generally recommended that the drug should continue for at least three more days even after the dog seems to have recovered. If you cut down on the length of the treatment, the drugs might not work in the long run. Therefore antibiotics for dogs should be used adequately in terms of dosage and length of treatment.

The ground rule for treating an injured dog is to first wash the wound thoroughly with some antiseptic liquid and then start using antibiotics for dogs immediately. What type of drug you use will largely depend on the type of injury the dog has sustained. If the dog has been bitten by a groundhog, you need to wash the wound thoroughly and apply beta-iodine on it which will be sufficient for the dog to recover. But on the other hand if the wound is big you need to use either cephalexin, clavamox or amoxicillin as a precautionary measure as first aid. Watch it for about four days; if the above antibiotics do not work you have to start the treatment all over again with some stronger antibiotic. Some of the popular drugs are described below for your knowledge.
  • Amoxicillin – this is an all purpose antibiotic that is inexpensive. This has to be administered at 10 mg per pound of body weight of the dog at an interval of 8 to 12 hours.  However the antibiotic is not effective against staph infection.
  • Clavamox – though similar to amoxicillin it is stranger and effective against staph infection.  This is a good all purpose antibiotic as it can treat ear and respiratory infections as well. This is given orally with a dosage of 6.25 mg per pound body weight. This is available in pre-packaged strips of 62.5 mg for 10-pound puppies, 125 mg for dogs of 20 pounds and 250 mg for dogs of 40 pounds.
  • Penicillin – this is used when you don’t have any option left as it is not very effective against most infections, especially if it is in the capsule form. Not at all effective against staph infection. If you do not have any effective antibiotic at hand in an emergency you can use it for the time being while a stronger one is being fetched.
  • Cephalexin – this one is the best for wound infections. It is cheap and can be bought over the counter in oral form.  Depending on the degree of the wound the dosage can be between 10 and 15 mg per pound at and interval of 8 to 12 hours.
If you have a dog you need to keep  Clavamox or Cephalexin in your vet kit positively, you never know when you will need them.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Great Protein Powder for Women : The Fact for Health

There was a time when the world of sports was dominated by men only. With passage of time women have taken interest in sports and have excelled in them. Now, young ladies in high school start playing softball and athletics.  They now take part in fitness programs that include weight training, muscle gain and cardio. Now ladies too acknowledge the fact that having more muscle means losing weight quickly because of enhanced metabolism. Moreover, having more muscle also means performing better in sports like swimming, running, biking etc.

Best Protein Powder for womenTherefore muscle gain became the key factor in fitness. When you are out there trying to gain muscle, you need to keep in mind the two vital factors that lead to muscle gain. These two factors are breaking down the muscle fiber and the second is rebuilding those fibers. Heavy strenuous exercise breaks down your muscle fibers and protein rebuilds the fiber. These two are the building blocks of your quest for muscle building.
Now in order to get the required protein if you start gulping down all the red meat, eggs and cheese, it might result in your body gaining weight instead of your muscle getting the protein. To overcome this problem you can use protein power to get your dose of protein for rebuilding your muscle fiber. However you have to do some research to determine the best protein powder for women.

Now when you are looking for the great protein powder for women, you will notice the label on the containers having huge bulky men flouting their muscles. Being a woman you would not naturally aspire for bulky muscles, which will not be possible with your feminine constituents. As a woman your goal would largely be to have a toned body with a bit of muscles with a slimming effect.  In such a situation will an ordinary protein powder do the trick or you need to look for something special that will be the best protein powder for women ?  On your quest for finding out the right product you need to first cut through the marketing hype and get to the core of the matter.

Previously protein powder was used by men only to help them develop huge muscles. But now women too have started preferring the protein powder as supplement because taking the supplement means
  • Consuming less quantity of food
  • Consuming lower amount of calorie
  • Consuming less of carbohydrate
  • Consuming low fat
  • Consuming high amount of protein
There is a myth regarding protein powder for women, which says that protein powder for women does not exist. The myth is not true at all. Now every woman should know that when it comes to protein powder supplement, it is the same for both men and women. It is the marketing that creates the difference.  The pictures of men with huge muscles shown on the containers are not due to consumption of the protein powder, it is due to the large amount of time they spend in the gym building their muscles, which is pure hard work. However, as a woman you certainly will not be aiming to have such large body. All you aspire for is to have a slim and toned body. To achieve this you just need to take lesser amount of the supplement in combination of workouts with low weight and high reps.

Therefore all you need is a bit of high dose of protein to build your muscle as it is the building block of muscle. And as such all the protein supplements meant for men as also the best protein powder for women as well.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Diet plan, Workout, and Diet Products: The Female’s Toolbox

Everyday people gain weight. It seems like such an oversimplified affirmation, it really is among the list of truest worldwide. It is more prevalent as men and women get older, and for females it is difficult to take off those unwanted lbs after the children arrive. However with a suitable diet plan, workout, the top diet pills for females, plus some good old fashioned determination, that dream shape is coming. It is all about choosing the best diet supplement to use in your toolbox, to help boost outcomes that you are definitely working towards.

That’s one of the most general misunderstandings regarding slimming capsules; that they tend to be supposed to work on their own, although you lay on the couch taking tacos and ice cream. The actual objective is to help you to eliminate the largest amount of excess weight in the course of your time consuming them, and while certain solutions will help you to melt off some extra fat without altering your life-style, you simply won’t have the remarkable outcomes you’re looking for without some work.

One more misconception females have is that often fat burning supplements are toxic, and others that aren’t do not work. This was true 20 or so years before, but the era of morbid obesity has hit full power, and producers have upped their game. There are actually a good number of natural products, like those made out of hoodia gordonii or acai, that actually work. They actually provide the knowledge to back it up, making it a true, effective tool in the fight against the stomach bulge.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chondroitin, Glucosamine and MSM for Arthritis Relief

Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints which leads to deterioration of the joints and bone tissue. In such a condition chondroitin and glucosamine are said to help in reversing the condition and rebuilding the bone tissue.  Though these two elements are responsible for giving relief from arthritis, it is hard to find them in products that are sold in the market. Therefore, whenever you are buying any product for arthritis relief read the label carefully in order to ascertain whether these two products are present together in their right proportions.

GlucosamineHowever if you are looking for something more potent that would give you relief from symptoms of osteoarthritis, then you can search for something that has a combination of MSM and glucosamine  which could give you 1500 mg of MSM a day. Studies have shown that this reduced the physical pain to a large degree and the body’s motor function improved as well. But the unfortunate fact about such products is that chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM are not all present in a single product to make the product strong and effective.

Everything is not as gloomy as it might seem at first; there exist some supplements that contain the correct dosage and some of them even with enhanced strengths to give better relief. Oxycallysn is one such product which is a compound of seven patented elements that helps in reducing pain, increase mobility and reconstruct tissues that have been damaged. Some of the products that contain Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM are given below for your knowledge.
  • HBI Arthritis Pain Relief – people without arthritis can also suffer from stiffness and pain of the joints that has resulted from overuse or age.  For them this product has been found to be ideal because it not only relieves you from pain but helps in loosening your joints allowing ease of mobility.
  • Oxycollasyn – this product contains opti MSM and regenasure glucosamine which gives your body the ability to produce cells that are required to conserve and maintain your joints. Therefore when you want to get relief from joint pain, it will be better if you use Oxycollasyn to restore your joints to a healthier condition rather than use general pain relief medicines.
  • Lifessence Joint +glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM forms the basis of this product. While most of the pain relief products just numbs your joint pain, this one works in conjunction with your body to produce tissues that repairs your joints.  When you use this product your joints will rejuvenate and feel younger.
The best thing about Lifessence Joint + is that while it contains ingredients that repairs your joints, it also contain elements like White Willow which is quite similar to aspirin that helps in easing pain caused due to age or otherwise.  This ingredient also takes case of any preexisting pain that you might be suffering from.  Therefore, instead of continuing to bear the pain you can enjoy a painless life by using Lifessence Joint +.
Now that you know what glucosamine, chondroitin and msm can do for you, it is up to you to choose whether you want to lead a pain-free life or continue to suffer by using products that can give you temporary short time relief.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Niacin for Depression : The Right Fact

Niacin effects
Most people are unaware of the fact that Niacin, which is nothing but vitamin B-3, has been regularly used as a cure for chronic depression and anxiety. Since US medical fraternity does not support natural remedies, the use of Niacin as a vitamin therapy has always been kept under secrecy. This is due to the reason that a couple of cases of high doses of Niacin has been documented where serious reactions were observed.

In fact the affected patients in these cases had taken Niacin to flush out the cocaine they had taken in order to pass drug tests. This type of incidents however are isolated cases and should not be compared with standard medical treatment. It has been estimated that more than 783,936 deaths occur every year due to medical errors for which nearly 100,000 or more deaths happen for taking prescribed medicines as directed by the physician.

Niacin came into the limelight when the founder of AA, Bill Wilson took part in a study being done on the use of Niacin for depression.  Before that Bill was fighting a battle against chronic depression most of his life. Bill agreed to participate in the study after being influenced by psychiatrists Abram Hoffer and Humphrey Osmond. The study was publicized quite widely. In fact Bill began to support Niacin so vehemently that he tried to introduce it in his AA organization. However, this attempt of his failed as it was opposed by everyone in AA. However this did not stop Bill from publishing many articles on the use of Niacin, including his experience in fighting depression with Niacin. He even published his experience in a book form named “Pass It On”.

Before adopting any medicinal cure for depression or anxiety it is important to recognize the fact that poor lifestyle in conjunction with poor diet can lead to stress and depression. Starting off with Niacin in the initial stage will not be the right decision. Treatment of depression should start with change in your lifestyle, like having a healthy diet, regular exercise, meditation and such other activities that will induce relaxation. This will largely bring about a life changing experience eliminating depression and anxiety from your life.

If after trying out all the natural methods you still do not find any positive results, you can then think of seeking medical care from a qualified doctor.  You should however be warned that many medication against prescription for treating depression have side effects. Sometimes it can even increase your depression in addition to other side effects.  Therefore when you choose a doctor, you need to be sure that he has knowledge of natural treatments.

Niacin is not dangerous enough to cause death, however it should be taken in measured doses along with other vitamins. The doctors will mostly start Niacin treatment with tiny doses and based on your progress will increase the dose.  A large quantity of Niacin generally causes skin to flush which is quite natural. As a rule doctors will start Niacin treatment with a dosage of 25 mg a day which can be increased to 50 mg each day.  The maximum dose that can be given is 3000 to 9000 mg a day, depending upon the severity of the case.

In nature Niacin is found in foods like, wheat products, almonds, rice bran, carrot, green leafy vegetables, celery, turnips, fish, lean red meat, liver, prawns and pork. You can try these foods if you want to counter depression the natural way.

If you are depressed, it is wise to consult a doctor before you start any kind of self-treatment to counter or cure depression.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Olive Leaf Benefits : Here are They

There are numerous olive leaf benefits which are due to the presence of oleuropein in its extract.  Besides relieving us from many diseases it has the power to enhance our immune system as well.  Sometimes olive leaf extract is used when antibiotics does not work.  Countries where olive tree grows, particularly Greece, people lead a very active life to a ripe old age as they consume olive leaf extracts in different forms. Here are some olive leaf properties that are beneficial to us:
    Olive Leaf function
  • Antioxidant properties – this property of olive leaf extract is the most important one, which slow down the aging process by neutralizing free radicals. Otherwise antioxidant property helps fight common ailments like flu, common cold and viral diseases.  Olive leaf extract can also combat yeast infection, shingles, ringworm and Epstein-Barr disease and other such infections caused by bacteria, protozoa and retrovirus. It can prevent many diseases by inhibiting viral replication by penetrating the affected cells. Olive leaf extracts are also used effectively against Alzheimer’s disease.
  •  Immune systemolive leaf extracts can effectively be used as preventive medicine. Those who are prone to problems like colds and flu during some particular period of the year can use olive leaf extract capsules before the onset of the period in order to prevent those problems.  If you take olive leaf extract it helps in strengthening your immune system which enables your body to fight bacteria and germs.  Daily consumption of a capsule of olive leaf extract will keep you healthy.
  • Blood sugar and clotting – blood sugar is now a very common problem with most of the people. Regular consumption of olive leaf extract help lower the level of sugar in the blood. Blood clotting can also be reduced with olive leaf extract. People suffering from bleeding disorders can use olive leaf extract which has anti-clotting and anticoagulation properties.
  • Heart and cholesterol – due to its antioxidant properties olive leaf extract can reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.  It helps in reducing the low density lipoprotein, which is known as the bad cholesterol.  The condition of heart improves when LDL level drops. Olive leaf extract relaxes the arteries which in turn bring down the blood pressure.
  • Skin – olive leaf extract has become very popular as skin treatment.  It helps in keeping the skin supple and young. Those suffering from acne problems can cure acne with it. Wrinkles can also be prevented with olive leaf extract. For a glowing acne-free skin there is no substitute for olive leaf extract.
  • Stomach – olive leaf extract can do wonders for those suffering from gastritis as it can neutralize excess acidity in the stomach.  Stomach cramps can also be treated with this including stomach pain resulting from muscle spasms in the stomach.
  • Chronic fatigueolive leaf extract can be used against chronic fatigue by revitalizing the body system and making you more energetic. Production of micro toxins in the body results in chronic fatigue. This is a very serious type of problem with many people. However use of olive leaf extract can be used to inhibit the production of micro toxins which results in rejuvenation of the body. Apart from reducing chronic fatigue olive leaf extract can also improve your mental health by reducing stress as well.
  • Anti-microbial properties – olive leaf extracts have the ability to eliminate bacteria, pathogens and different types of viruses. Pneumonia, dysentery, flu, sinus and respiratory infection can be cured with it.  Infection of the ear, eye and tooth can be prevented with it. Women suffering from vaginal infection and PMS can get relief with olive leaf extract.  Intestinal disorders like diarrhea etc can be cured with it as it prevents E.coli bacteria sticking to the intestinal walls.
Even with all these huge benefits, olive leaf extract do have some kind of side effects as well. Though it can fight infections, at times there are chances of body organs getting overloaded with dead microbes, which is sometimes referred to as detox reactions. This is due to the fact that olive leaf extract does its work very vigorously.  Therefore you need to be careful when you use olive leaf extracts

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Relora Side Effects: Worried of you

Relora side effects are the main reason why people are hesitating to use the product to counter stress and weight gain. Relora has the property to counter cortisol, which is a hormone released during times of stress and anxiety. The downside of cortisol is that though it is released for the purpose of defending the body from perceived threats, in these modern times of stress it is being secreted constantly leading to adverse side effects.

It is estimated that in America alone more than 50 million people are suffering from chronic stress. It is a well known fact that stress can lead to mental as well as physical issues like hypertension, anxiety, mood swings, back pain, joint pain, muscle pain, diabetes, and sleeplessness, weakening of immune system, weight problem and even heart disease.

Relora factStress and weight gain are very closely related. When the body experiences stress cortisol hormones are released in the body in large quantities. These hormones tell the body to consume fatty foods in order to produce energy to fight off any perceived threat. This leads to body not using the stored fat to produce energy instead hold on to more fat that is consumed through food.

To counter such stressful situation Relora has been developed as a diatary supplement from the extracts of Phelloeendron amurense and Magnolia officinalis. Relora can be used for managing stress and control appetite related to stress. Both these medicinal plants have been used in Chinese herbal medicine for centuries. These herbs are being used in treating other types of disorders like shortness of breath, digestive disorders and many other problems.

Being non-sedative in nature relora side effects are not there for you to worry about.  You can take the supplement which will induce relaxation without making you drowsy or feel exhausted.
Stress induces eating disorder leading to weight gain. Weight gained through stress leads to excessive abdominal fat. Relora helps in stabilizing the level of hormone related to stress induced weight gain by maintaining adequate cortisol levels during times of stress.

It is true that there is no cause of fear of relora side effects when you use it for weight control and relieving stress, but in order to eliminate stress from your life you need to make some changes in your lifestyle as well.  For example, you need to have a quiet place to yourself where you can get away from the daily grind once in a while. For stress management you have to learn how to meditate and adopt some kind of exercise regimen on a daily basis. You also need to adopt a healthy diet along with plenty water to drink. These activities will help you in reducing stress from your life.

Along with some life changes, consumption of relora will help you relax and make your life stress-free without fear of any relora side effects.